J and I took a drive to the Evergreen State Fairgrounds in Monroe to pick-up our pre-ordered plants from the Snohomish County Conservation District's annual native plant sale (which is has a better selection than the one in my own county). We picked up 25 Nootka roses, 30 coneflowers, five Pacific rhododendrons, 10 kinnickinnick, 10 bunchberry (aka groundcover dogwood) and six ferns. Then, as if that wasn't enough, we paid for five camas bulbs, five native lupine, two evergreen huckleberries and five fir trees (all of these are small plant starts, mind).
And THEN, as if all THAT wasn't enough, we stopped at Flowerworld and bought two conifers (for the large pots on our newly finished front entry porch), a cute lime green conifer for a pot on the back patio (because it needs frost protection), 12 English daisies, 12 forget-me-nots and 24 fuchsia starts. Then we stopped at Molbaks and bought pansies and "feet" for the aforementioned front porch pots.
Where I will put all of these plants, I do not know. Arrgghhh!
But back to the title of this post. Immediately after the native plant sale pick-up, we stopped at a farm supply store next to the fairgrounds to buy some metal fence posts so we can rein in our raspberry bed. I was in no way prepared for the dozens of adorable tiny chicks. A whole room full of huge galvanized metal tubs, outfitted with bedding, heat lamps and water dishes, and filled with adorable baby chicks! Did I say ADORABLE?
Now, J and I a planning to build a small chicken coop at some point, but were hesitant about where we would get the chicks (reputable mail-order businesses require a minimum of a 25-chick order, or 22 more chicks than we need). Now we have that part figured out. So I am dreaming of the day when we can have our own Buff Orpington (above) and Barred Rock (below). And all the fresh eggs we can eat. Yum.

(Photos taken from the fabulous McMurray Hatchery Web site.)
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